Posting from the iPhone
So here i am posting from my phone ... Woot 🙂
So here i am posting from my phone ... Woot 🙂
This is what to do when u have to many old hard disk drives ... Hard Disc Dominos
Trent from Punchy ! What a wack job, he really needs to get off the gear and what ever else he does ... Apparently he was paid $20 to do…
Hey all ... Been a long time since a post so I thought I would send a small update. August, it's offical, booked and leave approved I am out of…
All a bit to much for me !
Sweeet ..
Was a fun loose time and very dam hot at the Cricket. Happy Birthday brother, your now getting old ...
Actual UNIX commands and responses... % make love Make: Don't know how to make love. Stop. % got a light? No match. % sleep with me bad character % man:…
This is so awesome, Can't believe it ... haha