Juniper SRX Screens + Dynamic VPNs
Little tip with SRX Dynamic VPNs and 'security screens' on the VPN's ingress zone I stumbled across during my JNCIE-SEC study. UPDATE (20120401): Seems Juniper has addressed and fixed this bug ...…
Little tip with SRX Dynamic VPNs and 'security screens' on the VPN's ingress zone I stumbled across during my JNCIE-SEC study. UPDATE (20120401): Seems Juniper has addressed and fixed this bug ...…
32- and 64-bit PL2303 drivers for OS X 10.6 are available here. You'll need to modify, as root, the '/System/Library/Extensions/ProlificUsbSerial.kext/Contents/Info.plist ' file after installing the driver to suit the USB manufacturer…