IPv6 + Flow labels
Recently a teammate and I have come across a frame forwarding issue with ECMP on a hardware ASIC in a device I work on where the use of Flow labels…
Recently a teammate and I have come across a frame forwarding issue with ECMP on a hardware ASIC in a device I work on where the use of Flow labels…
32- and 64-bit PL2303 drivers for OS X 10.6 are available here. You'll need to modify, as root, the '/System/Library/Extensions/ProlificUsbSerial.kext/Contents/Info.plist ' file after installing the driver to suit the USB…
The new air is much better looking ! Spaces (10.6) vs. Mission Control (10.7)
Create a Sparebundle to copy to your NFS/SMB/AFP volume hdiutil create -size $SIZEg -fs HFS+J -type SPARSEBUNDLE -volname "Backup of $MACHINENAME" $MACHINENAME_$MACADDRESS.sparsebundle Use ifconfig and sub in your $MACHINENAME_$MAC_ADRESS into…