1. Create a Sparebundle to copy to your NFS/SMB/AFP volume
    hdiutil create -size $SIZEg -fs HFS+J -type SPARSEBUNDLE -volname "Backup of $MACHINENAME" $MACHINENAME_$MACADDRESS.sparsebundle
  2. Use ifconfig and sub in your $MACHINENAME_$MAC_ADRESS into the sparsebundle filename - Remove the ':' chars
    e.g. 0018b31184dd
    Use hostname to get your machines hostname - Don't use fqdn
    Size can be adjusted at a later date if required - g = gigabytes
  3. Copy the budle to the nfs volume
    cp -rp $MACHINENAME_$MACADDRESS.sparsebundle /Path/to/nfs
  4. Run the defaults command to turn on timemachine for unsupported volumes support (As normal user - don't sudo)
    defaults write com.apple.systempreferences TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1
  5. Now go to your System Prefrences and choose time machine
    Choose your NFS/SMB/AFP volume as the timemachine disc

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